
a first sentence

I most definitely do not consider myself a writer, but I do enjoy writing. The title itself is rather presumptuous and should be reserved for those whom actually consider it their career. Me? I'm just someone who longs to be in an MFA program and has way too much time on her hands.

I love to write, but I must confess that I do not write as much as I should or as often as I should. It has become easy for me to make excuses for my lack of practice because, quite honestly, I have no idea where to start. I've been waiting for some idea to come to me... some fabulous new concept that I could write about for days. But I have nothing. There's a strained dialogue between my mind and my heart. They both want me to write, but they cannot agree on a topic. So now, instead of searching for a topic or concept, I am simply looking for a brilliant first sentence... something I can run with. Here's to hoping it comes to me soon, or I to it.

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