
Fire Season Must Haves

{I have been making some progress on my Summer Reading List}

I apologize for my lack of posts lately. Needless to say, nothing new has happened. But I feel it's time we talk about the fire season. Since my last post about fire season, my husband has gone to a couple fires in California and one week-long fire in Utah. We're expecting some warmer temperatures in California, and I'm expecting him to get a new assignment some time this week. For some, the time these firefighters are away can seem to drag. Here's a little list of the things I find essential while my husband is away, and I'm stuck at home. 

Fire Season Must Haves
1. Internet-Because how are you going to bookmark all of your fire information sites and keep up to date on the fires' containment levels?
2. Amazing Friends-Make breakfast, lunch, brunch, or dinner dates with friends you've been meaning to catch up with or with friends whose company you can't live without.
3. Netflix-Find a show that you can invest obscene amounts of time into, so you won't get bored when you realize that all of the dishes are done and all of the laundry has been put away.
4. Pinterest-Create an inspiration board of little projects you want to do, and then do them! 
5. An Interesting Read-Find a book you think you'll enjoy, and read it at night. If you have trouble falling asleep without your significant other, reading at night is one way that could help your eyelids to feel heavy and give you the push you need to knock out. 

Any other suggestions out there?

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